Jan.-March 2010
Vol. 4, No. 1
Richmond, Ky.

This book tells you how
Some keys to planning Civil War event

“Helping History Come Alive,” by Danna Estridge and Juanita Westerfield, e-book, 84 pages, Booklocker Press, $9.95.

Reviewed by
Bugle Editor

Kentucky’s rich and formidable Civil War history is expected to intensify with additional battle sites and living history events as the Civil War Sesquicentennial approaches in 2011.

That’s why an e-book by Laurel County authors Danna Estridge and Juanita Westerfield is so timely and appropriate.

“Helping History Come Alive” is a concise, well-done volume that’s an excellent “how-to” in planning, organizing and promoting a Civil War re-enactment or living history event.

Estridge, owner and operator of Danna Estridge LLC photography, is a writer and photographer who has been shooting Camp Wildcat re-enactments for 13 years. Westerfield, a clinical social worker, has served for the past 15 years as president of the Laurel Home Guard, coordinator of the Wildcat re-enactments.

Based on their experience, the authors explain how to plan a re-enactment weekend that might include battle engagements, encampments, military demonstrations, drills, contests, period music and dance and a variety of other living history activities.

The book’s 16 chapters range from such topics as where to begin, location, safety precautions, legal ramifications and advertising and promotion. A chapter on volunteers is particularly helpful in explaining how to recruit such individuals and how to utilize their skills.

And, of course, re-enactors are needed. The book explains that re-enactors are much like stunt coordinators for a motion picture in that they know what’s required of them in historically accurate action and portrayals.

There’s even a chapter on “How to Deal with Problems,”pointing out that no matter how well you plan, problems will arise. One of the lighter side issues concerns how you might deal with a re-enactor who insists on wearing tennis shoes during a battle.

One key comment occurs early in the book.

“If there was only one piece of advice we could give to anyone interested in hosting a historical re-enactment event, it would be PLAN AHEAD.”

This book is recommended to Civil War event newcomers and veterans alike. It’s a genuine bargain at $9.95. To get your copy, contact the publisher at www.booklocker.com. The volume can be downloaded when payment is received through Booklocker’s secure ordering system. The book is in PDF (Portable Document Format) and can be viewed and printed out via Macintosh, Windows PC or a Unix machine.

“If you have a problem downloading the book,” Estridge said, “you can always contact us (the authors) and we can e-mail it to you as an attachment.”

Their e-mail address is news@wildcatreenactment.org.
The authors
Juanita Westerfield
Danna Estridge

Articles and photos appearing on www.thekentuckycivilwarbugle.com may be used with permission. For permission, contact Bugle editor Ed Ford at fordpr@mis.net.

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