Oct.-Dec. 2015
Vol. 9, No. 4
Richmond, Ky.

Ed Ford, editor and publisher, is a long-time newspaper
reporter, publications editor and public relations practitioner.
He was an award-winning editor and public relations specialist
at Ford Motor Company and the Goodyear Tire & Rubber
Company and retired as public relations director at Berea
College. An early member of the Battle of Richmond (KY)
Association (BORA), he is a past president and board member
of that organization and is the author of "The Draw,"
a historical novelette based on the August 1862
Civil War Battle of Richmond.

Paul D. Rominger, managing director of the Battle of Richmond
Association, directs the day-to-day operations of BORA and
works directly with Madison County’s historic properties director.
A long-time secondary school teacher and college professor,
he holds degrees in education and history and has a doctorate
in history from Oxford Graduate School. Rominger is a
specialist in early American and Civil War history.

Bryan Bush, a Louisville native, has a long-time passion for
history, especially the Civil War. He has been a member of many
different Civil War historical preservation societies, has consulted
for movie companies and other authors, coordinated with museums
on displays of various articles and artifacts, has written for a number
of magazines, authored five period books, and has worked for many
different historical sites. He was graduated with honors from
Murray State University with a degree in history and psychology
and received his master’s degree from the University of Louisville.

Dr. Judy Pierce, a professor in the School of Teacher Education at
Western Kentucky University, teaches social studies methods
for elementary education majors and graduate level curriculum
classes. Her passion is sharing stories and writing about female
soldiers in the Civil War and Abraham Lincoln. She is researching
and writing a book on female soldiers during the Civil War in
Kentucky. Dr. Pierce served on the Advisory Council of the Kentucky
Lincoln Bicentennial and is a member of the Kentucky Civil War
Sesquicentennial Commission. The Dunbar, W.Va., native joined
the WKU faculty in 1990 and requires her college students to teach
a lesson through storytelling. She emphasizes that storytelling
will make their instruction come alive.

Civil War historian, educator, writer and re-enactor Doug Lippman
has long been recognized as an authority on the Civil War. Born in
Carbondale, Ill., Lippman was graduated from Asbury College in
1969 and then served two years in the U. S. Army. Following
military service, he received his master’s degree in history from the
University of Kentucky in 1972. After teaching at Centralia (Ill.)
High School and Kaskaskia College for 31 years, he’s now retired
and resides in Richmond. He serves as a guide and lecturer at the
annual Battle of Perryville celebration, is a living history presenter
for the Battle of Richmond Association and speaks to civic groups
and children on political subjects and the Civil War. He also has
served as a reviewer of Civil War books.

Articles and photos appearing on www.thekentuckycivilwarbugle.com may be used with permission. For permission, contact Bugle editor Ed Ford at fordpr@mis.net.

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