July-Sept. 2012
Vol. 6, No. 3
Richmond, Ky.

Madison Civil War roundtable observes its 35th anniversary

The Madison County Civil War Roundtable (MCCWRT) observed its 35th anniversary May 11 at the Dinner Bell Restaurant in Berea.

A presentation on Confederate Gen. Nathan Bedford Forrest was preceded with the cutting of a commemorative cake.

Dr. D. Warren Lambert, who developed groundwork for establishment of the Battle of Richmond Association (BORA), was among the founders of the roundtable in 1977, which has been a consistent supporter of Civil War education, interpretation and preservation in Madison County and Kentucky. Lambert, professor and chair of the Berea College history department, was an authority on Civil War and Russian history.

The roundtable, which primarily serves the central and south central regions of Kentucky, was instrumental in early preservation efforts of battlefield ground for the Battle of Richmond and was a key partner in the establishment of BORA. It also provided key assistance in the establishment of the Battle of Richmond Visitors Center in 2008.

Four years ago, MCCWRT established an artifact fund to assist Civil War sites in purchasing artifacts and relics pertaining to their particular locations. An initial purchase was a pistol once owned by Union Brig. Gen. Jefferson C. Davis that is now located at the BORA Visitors Center. J.C. Davis shot and killed Battle of Richmond Union Commander William (Bull) Nelson.

The roundtable also has supported several Michigan organizations in erecting a Michigan historical marker on the Richmond battlefield. The MCCWRT also was a major sponsor in the 2010 establishment of the Central Kentucky World War II Roundtable.

Articles and photos appearing on www.thekentuckycivilwarbugle.com may be used with permission. For permission, contact Bugle editor Ed Ford at fordpr@mis.net.

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